Explanatarium Privacy Policy
This site uses an Apache web server. The server
creates and populates a log file. The log file collects statistics
of visitors to the site. The collected information comprises the
%h: IP address of the client (remote host) which made
the request to the server.
%l: RFC 1413 identity of the client determined by identd on the
client's machine
%u: Userid of the person requesting the document as
determined by HTTP authentication.
%t: Time that the request was received.
%r: Request line from the client including the HTTP method,
resource name, and HTTP protocol version
%s: Status code server sends back to client.
%b: Size of the object returned to the client, not including the
response headers.
%{Referer}i: Site that the client reports having been referred from.
%{User-Agent}i: User-Agent HTTP request header.
If you choose to make an account on the Explanatarium Forum, the
following information is also collected:
User name: the name you use to register your account.
Email address: the email address you use to register your account.
The log information is collected for statistical purposes only. No
use is made of the individual log records. The information is not
made available to any third parties except as required by applicable